More than 50% HCMC students does not have motivation to study
More than 50% HCMC students does not have motivation to study
- Sunday March 31st, 2019
- Posted by: Gia sư Quốc tế

GSQT – 31% of students are stressed, more than 53% of students not have motivation to study, they are also facing the risk of bullying, substance use, abortion…
That’s the survey results on some students are having issues in learning by Department of Education and Training of HCMC. HCMC’s new implementation was announced at the conference of professional orientation of social work in schools organized by this department.
Accordingly, the survey is said to have scale of implementation in 150 educational institutions including 74 high schools, 34 secondary schools, 8 primary schools and 34 other educational institutions (including preschool, private, intermediate, college…).
The majority of not have motivation to study students with games and internet addiction (41.5%), followed by violations of school rules (40.2%). Meanwhile, school problems are also outstanding with 6.5% of students using drugs, 5.7% of students breaking the rules, 2.8% of students having abortions, 0.8 % of students used to destroy themselves.
Regarding the risk of school violence and abuse, the survey shows that up to 30% of students have been abused in the network environment (posting pictures, challenging, stigmatizing… via the internet social), 24.6% of students are bullied, 20.8% of students are mentally abused (cursing, insulting, stigmatizing…).
Many educational experts are skeptical of the above results, saying that they do not reflect the reality of the education industry in HCMC. Ms. Bui Thi Diem Thu, Deputy Director of Department of Education and Training of HCMC asserted, the above shocking statistics are not accurate: “The above figures do not reflect the true quality of education sector of HCMC. If the number of students does not have motivation to study is correct, HCMC will no longer be a place to attract students from the provinces to attend.”