5 things international students working part-time should not forget
5 things international students working part-time should not forget
- Wednesday February 3rd, 2021
- Posted by: Gia sư Quốc tế
GSQT – In addition to paying attention to salary and days off, international students working part-time should see if this job will help them learn new skills.
From the personal experience of international students studying abroad, here are 5 things that international students working part-time should not forget.
Always looking
Many people who have just study abroad often want to find part-time jobs immediately. When you first get a job, you are happy and tend to stay for a long time, unless there is a serious problem like disagreement with your boss or inadequate compensation. However, from an international student perspective, we need to think that the best we can do for ourselves is always looking for better opportunities.
Use help
Making a CV and finding a job is a problem for all students and most of them have difficulty. For those who have just studied abroad, instead of fixing your CV too many times but it doesn’t work, you should use the help of those around you. A relationship is called a network. You cannot say how many relationships each person has and what effect those relationships have, you can only emphasize that network is extremely important, especially for international students.
Wondering if the job was helpful or not
Many international students, when looking for a job, only notice that this job is high-paying, or not. Thinking a little deeper, we should find high-paying jobs and bring us many skills. Modern life requires a person to be more versatile. We don’t know what value a job will bring, so it’s best to try many things, always wondering what you are getting out of it. If the job is no longer useful or the skills are already good, you can move on to another job.
Ask yourself if you’re getting better
Usually, international students working part-time just want to have income to their studies. However, many jobs make your life worse, often leading to affected studies. Not only that, but many students have fights with their superiors and colleagues, making themselves more stressful than usual when they go to work. Then, you should ask yourself why we have to do such a negative thing, study is not pressured enough or not?
Take care of family
For many international students, studying abroad causes enormous financial pressure on their families. Many of them work not only to support themselves while in the country, but also to support the whole family. Everyone has a different situation. Life abroad is not easy, especially for those aged 18-19. You should talk to your family to be encouraged, your parents will be the support so that when something happens, you will still be motivated to move on, find a better job in a challenging journey abroad.