GRE exam fee
GRE exam fee
- Monday March 1st, 2021
- Posted by: Gia sư Quốc tế

GSQT – GRE is one of the exams that helps postgraduate candidates (Master or PhD) to be considered for graduate study in the US or not. In addition to the applicability of this certificate, GRE exam fee is also something of interest to candidates.
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The cost of GRE General will range from $205 to $230, while GRE Subject is $150. If you register for online exam and are late for the list closing deadline, you can still register, but there will be an additional $25 surcharge.
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When changing a test date, location or exam subject, candidates must pay an additional fee of $50 (excluding China) for these changes. The exam allows candidates to change test dates and locations at least 4 hours before the official exam begins (at least 10 days in advance for candidates taking the test in China). After the scheduled exam delay, your exam fee will be forfeited.
Candidates can change their schedule and location online by contacting ETS Account or by calling directly at the RRC information section of the main website of For China and Taiwan, candidates will contact another account.
For more: GRE exam process
If you do not take the test on the scheduled date and do not notice the scheduled change, you will not have to pay any other fees, but only lose half of the registration amount.
Fee exemption or reduction
Citizens or people who are currently permanently residing in the US will not have to pay GRE exam fee. If the applicant is currently a student or has graduated from university but not registered for qualifications other than GRE, only 50% of the original fee will be paid.

In case the candidate is unemployed for more than 6 months, it is necessary to submit the unemployment certificate within 90 days. If you are approved by the exam board, you will be issued an exemption certificate.
GRE test results will be sent to the 4 universities where candidates apply, if you want to send more results, you will have to pay extra fees. However, each candidate can only take the test up to 5 times in 12 months, even if you cancel the previous test score.
For more: Find GRE exam preparation classes
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