A-level exam tips
A-level exam tips
- Wednesday September 21st, 2016
- Posted by: Gia sư Quốc tế
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GSQT – Even if you only enroll few A-level courses but all courses, you still have to pass the final exam. However, you can pass this exam with A-level exam tips below.
- Set up a learning timetable: You should not stuff too much homework when exam is coming. This is totally true with A-level exam because this test involves a huge amount of knowledge. To acquiring knowledge, you should start at least 10 weeks. For example, if your exam is in July then you should study hard from early or mid-March. Another important thing is that you should spend one hour a day to prepare.
- Do exams from previous years: Like other test with a certain structure, the best A-level exam tips is doing exams from previous years. Thus, you can get acquainted with the content and form of exam.
- Take exam with a ready mind: Taking A-level exam may be pressure but if you are well prepared it will help you to relieve worry. Besides, you should ensure to be in good condition of supplying food and sleep when exam is closely approaching. Whether you have prepared, but bad health may affect ability to take exam.
- Outline answers before filling out paper exam: Students who have the most complete and coherent can achieve the highest score in the A-level exam. Try to outline main points for answers before filling out paper exam and arrange ideas that will help you not to forget or leave out information when answering. It also considered that you can check whether you have fully answered parts of question or not, moreover also help to get higher score.
- Read and check answers: A-level exams usually focus on the essay portion and short questions which will challenge the way you combine knowledge with new ideas and information in exam. After answering all questions and if time is allowed, you should read all answers. This is also A-level exam tips to ensure you have fully answered small parts of a big question.
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